Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lukaya, Uganda

Hey Friends and Family,

The last two weeks have flown by. So here's what went down. Chris and I made our way to a town called Lukaya to stay with a Christian organization called HDCC. They work mostly with street children in this area, most who've been orphaned by parents with AIDS. We had a hard time adjusting at first, getting discontent with traveling and living out of a backpack for so long. Missing Thanksgiving and eating eggs for dinner that night was not easy either.

But we adjusted and realized how grateful we were for our trip and that we have everything we need. As we traveled around we began to see the work of this organization by visiting some of the kids on the street and seeing how many are taken into various schools and families in the communities. We were also able to see their secondary and vocational schools as well as teach some computer training ourselves.

The ministry connected to the organization was actually hard to connect with. Even though I am a Christian, I had a hard time dealing with some of the perspectives and teaching of what I would call a fundamentalist Pentecostal church. I had several conversations where I would speak with someone who did not want to hear what I had to say as the planned their next "Well the Bible says...." statement. Funny enough though they asked Chris or I to give a sermon at their Sunday I did. I was able to speak about John 15 in the Bible and how Christian's lives are supposed to bear fruit (kindness, love, humility, etc) through receiving from the unconditional love of Jesus. I ended up having a great time speaking and they received the message well.

By the end of our time, I was really encouraged. As I got to know some of the people more there I saw that even though I may disagree with their ideas and theology some, they were still people bearing fruit in their lives. And the organization was still doing great things in bringing kids off the street. So now I just arrived back in Cape Town, South Africa last night ready to start my year of work here. I'm thankful for our two months in East Africa and learned much, but am ready to be here.

Please pray for 1) Provision of housing and the right place to stay as I search for that. 2) To adjust quickly and jump fully into my work here.
Thanks for everything, I miss you all. Peace

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am glad to hear that you are safe and well. your stories are truly heartwarming and give me that different perspective on life that is needed in times like finals week (right now, haha). you're amazing
