Thursday, February 5, 2009

January Summary

Hey Everyone,

I apologize that it has taken me so long to get back to you after my last email and update about camp. I have been waiting to get pictures from our camp so I could post them and send you all the link (pictures always make the words more clear). But I have to update give an update about our big youth camp that happened from Jan. 4-9. It was an incredible week. Out of the last 3 camps I have been to, it was the best yet. This was so amazing to me coming out of a year with such transition in the organization - to see God work it all out in the end showed me that He is still behind all that we are doing.

We had 200 people from all over Cape Town and a large visiting group from the US. Once again it was so cool to see all the relationships that were built, fun that was had, and walls that were broken down. Since camp has ended I have spoken to many who tell me how much God did in their lives over this week. And it incredible to hear about the diversity of things that God did in each individual life, including introducing Himself to some for the first time.

Riding on the wave of excitement, we have been planning and preparing for the year for our day to day work in the schools and with after-school programs. I am especially excited about planning our small loan project to help provide income for some of the youth and families we work with. So as the schools have gotten back from vacation, we are getting back into the swing of things.

However, we are always faced with the hard realities of life, humanity, and some of the communities we work in. Just this past week, I had a youth come to me and share his battle with drug addiction. And a girl heavily involved in one of our programs was abducted, forced to witness robberies, and was raped. Thankfully she got away and is in the process of proper counseling. So I would really ask for prayers for these two youth specifically for healing and comfort. As well as wisdom from our team as how to better serve the youth. Thanks so much for all your continued support and prayers. Peace
Ryan (pics of things this year in "Cape Town 09" folder

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