Sunday, March 9, 2008


Hey Everyone,

I trust that you are well back home. Please keep your updates coming, I love hearing from you all. Thank you for all your continued prayers and support. I have seen in a tangible way how God answers prayers since I last emailed.

I was all set to move into the township of Khayelitsha on the 16th of Feb when I had to move out of my last place. I found out a couple days before I had to leave that my room in Khaye wasn't ready yet. It just so happened that two of my best friends from San Diego, Lisa Marie and Jess, came a bit early that day for their visit to Cape Town. They had met some South Africans, while visiting Mozambique, who lived in a house together in Cape Town. So they were staying with their new friends when they arrived here. And because I had to move out with no place to go, I stayed with them also. I thought it would just be for the week and a half that my friends were here, but as my room in Khayelitsha is still not ready, the people at this house offered me a room for rent for one month. So I took it.

I will still move into Khayelitsha at the beginning of April, but this unplanned diversion has been a total answer to prayer. Not only did God provide a roof and a place to lay my head, but has connected me to an awesome community of people at this house, who I will continue to be friends with even after I move. And not only that, some of the people I am staying with have mentioned getting involved with Africa Jam. This is exciting to me because we have been praying and hoping for more white South Africans to get involved since most of the volunteers we have are from the black and colored communities here or from overseas. Already one of the girls at the house came with me to our Khayelitsha after school was the first time in her life she had been to that community. So we'll see what continues to happen with that.

As for everything else, things are going well. We are continuing our projects. We are starting one of our after school programs tomorrow in the colored community of Lotus River where our director is from. Also, I am excited to possibly be joining a local basketball team from Lotus that plays other communities in Cape Town and the Western Province.

So please keep your prayers coming as they are effective. Please continue to pray for 1) Deeper connection to community and the teens we are working with 2) Africa Jam's continued efforts 3) Me to connect to God more as I push into what He has for me here. Thanks, I love and miss you all.

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