Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Home

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to write and update you all on what's been going on out here. Things have been going well since I last wrote. Africa Jam has continued its work and I have been able to move into being with the teens we work with on a more consistent basis. Part of the reason for that is I, after a delay, finally moved into the township of Khayelitsha.

Already I can see the differences of the culture and the ways of life here. Being an independent person from individualistic America, it will take some adjustment to be around groups of people all the time. It seems that here plans aren't made to hang out, rather just come by and knock as you are walking in the house. Despite the cultural challenges, I feel like this is where God wants me right now. I can already see a deepening of the relationships with the youth we work with and with the kids in the neighborhood.

This past week we also had our teen group in the area lead a children's day camp. We trained the teens to lead the 3 day event for the kids. It was full of music, dance, games, Bible stories, fun, food, for over 180 kids from the area. The kids seemed to have a good time, and it was great to see the teenagers stepping up into positions of leadership in their community.

So please keep praying for the deepening of relationships in the group and in the community. Pray for the children who came to be touched by God through our love for them. And please pray for me to continue to live in my purpose of being in this new home. Thanks. Miss you all and am praying for you. Peace

1 comment:

Michael Lindsey said...

It's great to hear all of the wonderful things you are doing and accomplishing in your time there. It sounds like a truly moving experience and I am so proud of your efforts and undying enthusiasm. Best of luck in your time there and keep us all posted!

-Michael Lindsey